Just Added! The Cover Art, Details and Synopsis for Nancy Drew #6 The Secret of Red Gate Farm

Mysterious cover for the sixth book in the Nancy Drew series! You can find some clues to The Secret of Red Gate Farm in the synopsis as well as the cover art here ~ Nancy Drew Books ~ Titles, Covers, and More

To uncover what the secret of Red Gate Farm actually is, though, you’ll need to read the book! Nancy, Bess, and George help out a number of people in the mystery and fight bad ones who try to hide the crooked things they are doing. The River Heights girls don’t give up, even when faced with obstacles and the very real possibility of danger. 😎 Evil people scramble trying to cover and hide their wickedness when it is exposed to light, but truth is always stronger. No matter what kind of scam or con or scheme a criminal organization attempts to get away with, there are brave people who work hard and risk their very lives to stop the crimes as well as those behind the evil. Throughout history and in modern times, enemies use scare tactics so that they can trick people and use fear to get more money, more power causing much hurt and destruction. Nancy, Bess,and George followed the clues to expose the criminals, seeking the truth, not just accepting what the crooks were trying to get everyone to believe for their ulterior motives.  The way to find out counterfeits is to know the real deal. 

So what do you think of this volume in Nancy Drew Mystery Stories? Have you read it and/or re-read it? #6 The Secret of Red Gate Farm is available in hardback and ebook for various devices in bookstores and libraries. 🙂 Enjoy! 🙂 

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2 thoughts on “Just Added! The Cover Art, Details and Synopsis for Nancy Drew #6 The Secret of Red Gate Farm

    • 😆 Sure! 😀 Thanks! I wouldn’t call it my fave ND or anything, but I usually can find some good things in most Nancy Drew books. And of the books that I can’t find good stuff to like in…they don’t count as Nancy Drew books! 😉 😎

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