The Hardy Bros: Secrets of the Lighthouse by Ann ♪ ~ Chapter 24


Secrets of the Lighthouse

Chapter 24

   Loud exclamations were heard but Joe held out his hands to quiet them down. “Just a second, there’s more. Not only was it to draw tourists, but because some of you think it is fun and cute.”

   “There was no murder to begin with. The lighthouse keeper, according to his own words from his recently discovered journal, which will hold up very well under any scrutiny, was not an upstanding citizen.” He glanced over at Zoeth, having chosen those words on purpose as that was how they had described the keeper while dissing Zoeth. “Unless the definition has changed and an upstanding citizen now means someone who will not only shirk their duty, but purposely wreck the very ships that they are supposed to be helping guide to safety.” More gasps. “Bradford Wilson, the lighthouse keeper, was a bad guy. He wrecked the ships and had his gang salvage the wreckage. Alexander Powers was sent by Lloyds of London to investigate the sinking of a ship with a load of their expensive, insured cargo on them. Mr. Powers posed as a fisherman to get the answers, and succeeded not only in finding out what had happened, but also succeeded in winning the hand of Sarah Reeves, who was not murdered.” Joe took a breath, as the small group exclaimed at what he had just said. “Bradford Wilson went after the couple, who were very much in love, and they apparently went into hiding. They were married in Boston two weeks after she was supposedly murdered.”

   Frank and Joe looked over at Zoeth who looked shocked at this new information. They had saved it to tell her at this time. Frank had spent some time online and on the phone after breakfast. Zoeth smiled at the brothers and mouthed ‘thank you’. They nodded and grinned.

   The president of the committee came over, looking very flustered, “What proof do you have about the screaming and the odd occurrences at the lighthouse? Maybe there is a haunting and we just have the details wrong.”

   “That would be embarrassing. Glad you asked,” Joe told her. “It was amazing how pristine the hidden area was, which normally wouldn’t be clean, but dusty. Instead it was spotless.” He looked over to the woman whom Margaret had pointed out as Adrianna. “I think it would have to be someone who was so conscientious about dusting to keep it that clean. Right, Mrs. Reynolds?” Joe asked.

   “That’s right,” she said proudly. The others turned on her for admitting that, but she appreciated the compliments and the notice of her handiwork.

   “What about the screaming?” one person called out.

   “Again, happy you asked that.” Joe held up a very small device. “This has only this one audio file on it,” Joe then played that one file and most people jumped as a loud scream was emitted from the small but powerful speaker. “And that is the sound that was heard through a few well placed, hidden, wireless speakers in the tower, playing at predetermined times.” Joe had found the speakers in the lighthouse while Frank was online researching what happened to Alexander and Sarah Powers.

   All the committee started talking at once, angry at being found out. There were actually several more people from town involved.  A few of the committee members, and this included Margaret’s cousin, weren’t even a part of the whole ‘haunting’ fraud.

   Zoeth came up and thanked Frank and Joe again. She was very impressed with their endeavors.

   Margaret was also very thankful and told the brothers she couldn’t wait to call Gertrude up and brag about what a great job they had done.


   After things had settled down, some people started to worry about any loss of money coming in to the town from tourism. The Hardy brothers pointed out that not only was the lighthouse and the ocean enough to draw people, they could build it up to show the real story of the Lloyds of London man searching for the answers to the suspicious wrecks. While those involved were still a bit embarrassed at being caught, they grudgingly promised to give it some thought. Margaret had an additional idea that would potentially draw tourists to their little town; one that would have to wait several months. Frank and Joe left for Bayport and home after one more delicious meal cooked by Margaret.


   Two days later, Joe pulled up in the Morton driveway on his motorcycle and cut the engine. He removed his helmet to call, “Hi, Mrs. Morton!” Chet and Iola’s mom was cleaning out her flower garden in front of the wide porch. She looked over at her daughter’s boyfriend with a smile, appreciating the happiness he brought Iola.

   “She’s practicing Krav Maga in the barn,” Mrs. Morton informed him before he even got a chance to ask where Iola was. She was referring to the highly effective Israeli method of self-defense. Before turning back to the garden she said, “She’s getting pretty good at it. That was a good idea of yours, Joe.”

   “Thanks! Contrary to popular opinion, I do have a few of those!” Joe quipped as he sprinted toward the barn. He could see Chet flying a large radio-controlled airplane. The noise was so loud that Joe thought perhaps it might have covered up the sound of his motorcycle engine when he arrived. So as he got closer he began to move even more stealthily in hopes of surprising Iola. He stopped in astonishment at not seeing her once he was in view of the interior of the barn. Moving cautiously inside, he glanced around, letting his eyes adjust to the dimness.

   As he was walking slowly into the barn he suddenly heard a yell from above. He tried to regain his balance as his petite girlfriend landed on his back, wrapping her arms around him. He tumbled to the ground, with her still hanging on. Laughing musically, Iola found herself suddenly in Joe’s arms as he easily turned around. Looking deep into her eyes, as she looked deep into his, Joe smiled up at her.

   Iola leaned down, smiling back at him with sparkling eyes. “I won,” she whispered.

   He grinned even wider in delight, “I believe I did, too.”

   “Guess you’re not interested in seeing how well my plane flies, huh?” came a dry voice from the entrance to the barn. Joe and Iola looked over at Chet who was standing in the open doorway.

   “Uh….man, if I’m honest, no,” Joe groaned. Nonetheless, Joe and Iola stood up, brushing the dirt off their clothes. Clasping hands, they followed Chet out into the yard, while sharing another smile.

   They watched Chet fly the plane he had constructed himself; his face showing his contented pleasure as the aeronautic toy dipped and soared in the afternoon sky. Joe and Iola enjoyed the show he put on. After awhile, when Chet had finished the performance and had been congratulated for doing such a good job, Joe and Iola went to the stream nearby. Sitting down cross-legged on the ground, they faced one another.

   “Hey, I found this at the beach the other day when Frank and I did that errand for Aunt Gertrude.” He slipped the pretty little shell he had found out of his jacket pocket and reached for Iola’s hand. He held onto her hand and placed the shell in her palm. She exclaimed in delight and admired the thoughtful gift from her boyfriend. The shell was beautiful, but that Joe had thought of her would be what she would remember the most, and she told him that. This wasn’t a rare occurrence, his thoughtfulness was one of the many reasons she loved him. His smile of pleasure thrilled her and touched her heart.


2 thoughts on “The Hardy Bros: Secrets of the Lighthouse by Ann ♪ ~ Chapter 24

  1. Excellent, excellent!!!!! 😀 😎 Great job talking, Joe! 😀 😎 Great, real ideas by the Hardy brothers for tourism! 😀 😎 Beaches & lighthouses are such a great draw! 😀 😎 Cool, fun & romantic times at the Morton place! 😀 😎 Beautiful! 😀 😎 Thanks for such great reading, Ann! 😀 😎 Love your stories/writing! 😀 😎

  2. You are an amazing author, Ann!! 🙂 This chapter is brilliantly good!! 🙂 Thank you so much!! 🙂

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