A Nancy Drew Fanfic ~ Snow Mystery ~ Chapter One




by Ann ♪

~A Nancy Drew Fanfic~

Chapter One

   Nancy drove her car along the main road leading through the entrance to Emerson College as the first snowflakes started twirling and flittering down from the winter sky. Her blue eyes carefully kept a watch on the road, but still appreciated the beauty of the exquisitely created chilly particles sparkling around. Although there wasn’t much traffic at the moment, her wisdom directed her not to let down her guard. Nancy had seen deer a number of times on her previous visits to the college. The evergreens throughout the campus grounds were already beginning to be decorated as the snow began to get thicker.

   Thinking about seeing her wonderful boyfriend, Ned, in a few minutes, she smiled in happiness. She felt truly thankful for a man so strong and thoughtful. His steady love, support and strength of character were qualities she cherished each day. As the car followed the curving scenic path into the Emerson College grounds, Nancy thought of a number of situations where those characteristics of Ned had come into play.

   The wintery weather was having fun. A lot of the snowflakes were finding spots they liked, from the trees to the grass to the roads. As she pulled into the visitor’s parking lot, she felt thankful she got started early from River Heights. It was really beautiful coming down, but the roads could get very treacherous very quickly.

   Catching the strap on her bag to take it with her, after she’d parked and turned off the engine, she got out of her car. Pushing the door shut, she then brought that hand up to pull her scarf and collar a little closer to block the chill brought on by the light wind.

   “Hey there, snowgirl.”

   How well she knew that deep, comforting voice that she drew so much from.

   “Ned!” Nancy soon was in his strong arms, which instantly and instinctively wrapped lovingly around her.

   A minute or two later, they started walking along the sidewalk toward the food area.

   “A man could get the idea you like him or something, with a greeting like that,” remarked Ned, a teasing smile on his lips.

   Nancy slid him a blue-eyed glance. “And the man just might be right.”

   As the snowflakes floated down around them, the two sweethearts strolled toward Ned’s dorm to grab his suitcase and head off for the rest of Emerson College’s break. Ned had returned there after the semester had finished and the holidays had started to drop off his car to be fixed during vacation. A fellow student and friend, Sam Michaels, made much needed extra money that way. Emerson College had been the perfect spot to give the car to Sam and for Nancy to come meet Ned for their trip, since it was centrally located for everyone’s plans. Nancy and Ned would then travel partway across country to meet up with Ned’s parents at the scenic, historical town of Hopeville to enjoy a few days there during the break.

   It didn’t take long for Ned to grab his suitcase as well as the two hot chocolates he’d gotten ready right before Nancy had arrived. He had them in hot/cold cups that had just needed to be taken out of mini fridge in his room and heated up in the small microwave.

   Ned handed the hot chocolates to Nancy, who gratefully wrapped her chilled fingers around the insulated cups. “Have I mentioned lately how much you spoil me and how much I enjoy that?”

   “Yes, but I don’t get tired of hearing it.” Ned closed the dorm door behind them. 

   “Good, because I don’t get tired of saying it.”

   They walked down the short flight of stairs to the foyer of Ned’s dorm. There weren’t many students still on campus, but there were a few who either came back early to study or hadn’t left for one reason or another.

   Ned reached around and opened the door for his girl so she didn’t have to. A burst of cold and a light flurry of snow greeted them right away.

   “I should have gone first to block for you.”

   “I appreciate the thought.” Nancy snuggled against Ned’s side for warmth as they moved briskly to Nancy’s shiny blue car where the snowflakes danced off.

    In order to get to their destination by evening, they couldn’t linger long on campus. They planned to share driving time, too, which they’d done before when traveling and with good results. Since Nancy had just driven there, Ned would take the first lap.

   After Nancy slid into the passenger seat, Ned closed her door then tossed his bag in the backseat. Nancy watched him walk around and get in. With his handsome features and always-looks-good-haircut, Nancy was looking forward to watching the view in the car even more than that outside the vehicle. She was so thankful Ned didn’t shave the sides of his head and just have a chunk of hair left on top of his head. Nancy didn’t care for that haircut at all. One more reason she appreciated her boyfriend – he was truly cool, not fad induced faux cool.

   Handing him his hot chocolate, she teased him. “Hmmmm, I wonder if your cup is the half-full one.” She’d already been working on hers and the rich liquid tasted so good to her.

   He teased her right back. “You mean there’s any left?” He gave her a look of shock right before he took a swallow of  hot chocolate. After setting it down in a cup holder, he backed out of the parking space. “Not much of a mystery of where it went.”

   Nancy smiled. “You got me.”

   Ned agreed. “I like that.”

   Being a good driver, Ned easily hit the brakes as a very small group of students drifted by. They were part of the pick-something-to-whine-and-protest-about-each-month group. Emerson College had a better record than a lot of colleges. There weren’t as many nuts on campus. They had some, of course, like this group, because you can’t totally get away from them, but most were recognized for what they were. Loudmouth goons.

   “Typical,” stated Ned as the group meandered along, oblivious to their surroundings. “They can’t look around and see the truth for themselves.”

   “In more ways than one,” Nancy added with a nod of agreement. She recognized a few from the campus website, where they’d accused other students of things they themselves were guilty of. “I remember they’re very narcissistic.”

   “While pretending to care about people. It’s absurd. And if you disagree with them, they’re real jerks about it.”

   Nancy knew exactly what Ned was talking about. She’d come across that a number of times, sometimes during a case or not. “That’s because many times the purpose behind their words and actions is the complete opposite of what they’re saying.”


   “It’s good to know that not all are like that. There are truly smart and compassionate groups who actually help people. Like volunteering at a soup kitchen, visiting the sick, raising money for those in need, and speaking up against wrongs, to name a few.”

   “And that’s sometimes risking danger or repercussions, depending on the circumstances.”

   “Yep. Plenty of students all across America and places around the globe are involved in helping make the world better, they just don’t get as much attention as the jerks do. Doing what’s good and right is more important than recognition.”


   Ned drove for a while then they stopped and switched. Nancy loved driving her very own car and since Ned, being an excellent driver, did such a good job, she was happy to let him drive. She did enjoy being behind the wheel and she smoothly rolled back onto the highway from the side of the road. Changing seats had been fun, too.

   “I’ve heard so much about this town from your parents,” commented Nancy. “I can hardly wait to see it in person.”

   Ned nodded, glancing at the evergreens and shrubbery off the roadway as they went by. “They sure loved it both times they visited there. Nice we’re getting  a chance to go this time.”

   “I enjoyed the video they took. Beautiful. Like a pretty painting, but better.”

   “I agree.” Ned looked over at Nancy, thinking how happy he was to be able to go on this trip with her, appreciating her femininity and her strength.  He had no doubt he was blessed. Nancy knew her power as a woman and didn’t abuse it. Ned really appreciated that beyond words. “They plan on going a lot more times and try out the other three seasons.”

   “Nice.” Nancy thought about the picturesque town with its beautiful surrounding scenery. The shops and homes were just like they would have been in the early 1900s, except for communication advancements and transportation, which were up-to-the-minute. “Fascinating about the town and the decorations are wonderful. I’m looking forward to all of the cozy winter wonderland.”

   “Mom and Dad said there are some great restaurants to check out.”

   “Don’t start thinking about the delicious food, Ned,” warned Nancy, keeping watch on the road and surrounding area, noting that the snowflakes weren’t yet sticking to the pavement. She had good tires and her car had enough power to handle the inclement weather. “Even though we have some food with us, we still have a ways to go and you’re going to get awfully hungry.”

   “Good point.” Ned laughed. “That is a danger.”

   “That’s right. Not to mention how hungry I’d get, too.”

   “I’m not going to mention f-o-o-d for x number of miles,” promised Ned, his eyes twinkling as he looked over at his girlfriend.

   “Real cute. At least you spelled it right, college boy.” Nancy was about to comment further, when all of a sudden a car came shooting out of a side road, hurtling right at Nancy and Ned.

   Ned saw it about the same time and his eyes widened in shock as it looked like a terrible collision was a given.


4 thoughts on “A Nancy Drew Fanfic ~ Snow Mystery ~ Chapter One

  1. Isn’t that just like you, Ann! 😮 Here we are in a nice romantic scene then all of a sudden here comes intense action, danger & a dramatic cliffhanger! 😮

    I love your writing! 😀 😎 Your descriptions are supercool! 😀 😎 Excellent from start to finish! 😀 😎 Looking forward to reading the next chapter! 😀 😎 Thank you, Ann! 😀 😎

    Appreciating the good things,

    • Hmmm, should I apologize? 😛 😆 😉 😀
      Thanks, Lily – really happy that you enjoy it so much! 🙂 Hope you’re doing okey-dokey (as you like to say) 🙂

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