Drew Connections ~ Nancy Drew Books Game

You’ve seen the Hardy Connections game – and you know we’re not going to leave Nancy out of the fun, so here’s the word association game for Nancy Drew! 😀 Everyone’s welcome to play. 🙂 Have fun! 😀 Thanks for suggesting/requesting these fun games, Callie and Ritu! 🙂

Here’s how you play, post a word that you think of that is somehow connected or related to the previous word. Example ~ 

One Person says: Boyfriend
Next Person says: Ned

and it continues. 🙂 The next person might come up with tall, or dark, or handsome. 😀

Like with Drew Clue Words, please have answers from the Nancy Drew Mysteries book series. 🙂 And also like with the other games (and rest of the blog), Word Warrior will approve comments and take care of that to keep the games flowing. 🙂

I’ll start off with ~

Drew 😀

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